Wordify has a cloning feature that will enable you to set up a DevSite (free website) as a template with all the plugins and themes and copy it to a new LiveSite.
This is different than the staging feature. Unlike a staging website, the cloned website is not linked to the parent site. It is its own website.
If you need to stage your website instead of creating a cloned copy, read this guide.
To clone your site, follow these steps:
1. Select the website you want to clone.
Select your website from the site list and click the Configure option (cog icon)
2. Clone your website.
From the menu, choose Workflow > Clone
3. Enter Site Details
Then, fill out the details of the new cloned Site:
Site name
Temporary URL
4. Choose your Plan
Choose from the available plans.
Once you done, click the ADD SITE button at the bottom of the page. You will now see the newly added website on your site list.
Congratulations! You have now created a clone copy of your website.
If you encountered any problems or difficulties, send us a message and we will get back right at you.